
Fires Turn Tourist Island in Greece to Ashes

As tourists begin to return to the Greek island of Rhodes, some people are spending their vacations on the empty beaches amidst charred trees and burnt lands.

The fires, sparked by an intense heatwave that swept through the country, led to a massive evacuation of residents and tourists on the island last weekend, with the forests burning for a week.

As the forest fires intensified, tourists and locals worked to extinguish fires near coastal resorts.

By Friday, temperatures had somewhat decreased, and calm winds helped firefighters contain the fires. However, the damage had already been done.

An inland nature reserve was affected, and the deserted island received promises of state support.

Fires broke out all over Greece, including outside the capital Athens and Rhodes, fueled by three consecutive heatwaves.

Five people were killed in the fires, including two firefighters. Temperatures reached 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit).

Climate change is making the world hotter, and this year is affected by the natural and periodic phenomenon of El Niño, which leads to higher temperatures in the Pacific Ocean.

The Mediterranean Sea – from Spain to Turkey to North Africa – has wilted under record-breaking temperatures during the summer. July is the hottest month globally, and 2023 is likely to be the hottest year.

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