Arabian Gulf

Global Solidarity in Crises: UAE Leads Call for Humanitarian Relief in Gaza

In the midst of rapidly evolving events and humanitarian challenges facing the Middle East, there is a pressing need for intensive international cooperation to provide support and relief to those affected.

In this context, the initiative of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) serves as a model of humanitarian solidarity, calling for effective international action to support the residents of Gaza affected by the current crisis.

UAE, Egypt, and Jordan

The International Conference for Emergency Humanitarian Response to Gaza kicked off at the King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Center in Jordan, with a high-level Emirati delegation led by Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs. This conference, jointly organized by Jordan, Egypt, and the United Nations, serves as a platform to enhance international efforts aimed at providing aid to the Palestinian people.

Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed emphasized the importance of international action, with the UAE committing to continuous and unlimited support for the people of Gaza, expressing this commitment through its active participation in the conference. The UAE highlights the deep humanitarian crisis plaguing the region, necessitating a unified and sustained international response to the current challenges.

The UAE stands in solidarity with the Palestinian people, providing the necessary humanitarian support through all possible means, and stresses the importance of collective international work to address the escalating humanitarian crisis. The UAE also underscores the need for rapid, safe, and sustainable relief efforts, with the United Nations playing a crucial role in enabling humanitarian organizations to fulfill their responsibilities.

Leader in Humanitarian Work

Palestinian political analyst Dr. Maher Safi stated that the UAE’s role reinforces its position as a leader in international humanitarian work, emphasizing the importance of finding a political solution based on the “two-state solution” and promoting comprehensive peace for a better future for the Middle East.

Safi expressed optimism about the conference’s outcomes, noting that it would exert pressure on the occupation to open crossings to allow the entry of aid to the Palestinian people. He pointed out that the conference highlights effective steps for humanitarian response and identifies operational and logistical needs supporting this path.

This event is an open invitation for the international community to engage more actively in relief and development efforts, highlighting the urgent need for regional and international cooperation to end extremism, tension, and violence, and to strive for peace, stability, and development for the region’s peoples.

Firm Principles

In the same vein, Dr. Tarek Fahmy, a professor of political science, stated that Egypt, the UAE, and Jordan have clear and firm principles in supporting the Palestinian people.

Fahmy emphasized the importance of implementing international community decisions to achieve peace in the region. He noted that the recent UN Security Council resolution on Gaza was positive and reflects the international community’s commitment to maintaining stability in the region.

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