Middle east

How Will Hamas Continue to Fight in Gaza After Losing Its Leaders? Expert Answers

Given the difficulty of maintaining a connection between its armed wing and military leadership and senior officials, Hamas is expected to conduct its combat against the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip through separate brigades and groups, according to experts and specialists.

This follows the assassination of senior military and political leaders of Hamas by Israel in recent months, significantly impacting the ongoing war between the movement and the Israeli army for over a year and causing substantial losses for the movement.

Military affairs expert Qasid Mahmoud confirmed that “Hamas will be forced to divide its armed wing into separate brigades, each with its own military decisions independent of the others.”

In a statement to Erm News, he explained that this would ensure the continuation of the fight against the Israeli army, stating that “the armed wing of Hamas is aware of the danger of operating collectively at this time, whether among all its forces or with different military factions, especially given the intensive intelligence operations being conducted by Israel to reach the military leaders of the movement.”

He added that “Hamas will grant authority to each military group and local leader to make field strategic decisions as they see fit, which will lead to difficult decisions that may affect the course of any future negotiations with Israel.”

He emphasized that “without this, the movement will lose its military strength entirely, and Israel will succeed in reaching other leaders,” noting that the assassination by the Israeli army of any of the remaining surviving leaders would lead to a significant collapse of Hamas‘s armed wing.

The newspaper Yediot Aharonot confirmed that estimates from the Israeli army indicate that Hamas in the Gaza Strip has not lost its leaders, and that the majority of its fighters are still alive after 100 days of war.

The newspaper reported that the army’s estimates suggest that the number of fighters in the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Hamas‘s military wing, was about 30,000 on the eve of the October 7 attack.

The Israeli army claims to have killed 9,000 fighters in the Gaza Strip, including about 50 leaders of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades.

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