
Humanitarian aid.. Turkey’s new plan to implement their colonial projects through Libya

“Turkey exploits the need for poor countries to achieve its colonial ambitions and intervene in their affairs under the banner of humanitarian aid, or claiming to help achieve security and demining, as was the case in western Libya.”

Turkey, led by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has recently resorted to an elusive approach to interfere in the affairs of countries that want to loot their wealth after they failed in direct military confrontations, especially after regional powers, foremost Egypt, were able to stop their advance in Libya.

The Turkish President is trying to use soft power, to claim humanitarian aid to poor countries, most recently by sending a Turkish plane carrying medical aid to Bangladesh to rehabilitate a Rohingya hospital, and by opening the Turkish Red Crescent Society last Saturday, 3 water wells in the suburbs of the Chadian capital N’Djamena and other examples.

“After the failure of the Turkish plan to occupy Libya in cooperation with the Muslim Brotherhood, with the end of the GNA’s mandate, the Turkish regime is seeking another dubious deal with the new Libyan government, using the aid package.”

Informed Libyan sources revealed that Erdoğan is trying to reach an agreement with the Head of the National Unity Government, Abdul Hamid Al-Dabaiba, in order to re-empower and control the Brotherhood in all Libyan lands, and not only in the West, in return for material inducements in providing relief assistance to the Libyan people, and that this deal is currently under consideration.

“The outgoing Government of National Accord (GNA), headed by Fayez Al-Sarraj, opened the door for Turkey to intervene in Libya to keep it in power by force, and signed with it a dubious agreement in contravention of the UN resolution on arms embargo against Libya, in the name of preserving security and the fight against terrorism.”

Turkey adopted its agreement with the GNA in late 2019 as a pretext for military intervention, the dispatch of thousands of mercenaries and the realization of Turkey’s expansionist goals in Africa.

“Despite the Libyans’ ceasefire agreement in October, which stipulates that all foreign troops and mercenaries leave Libya and change the country’s executive power, Turkey has been bothering with mercenaries and has not withdrawn them from Libya despite recent pressure from Europeans and Americans”.

Turkey is seeking to increase the number of its mercenaries in order to carry out its plans in Africa, especially Libya, to continue the war and use it as a route for African States.

It became clear that the aspirations of the Turks were not represented by Libyan oil and Libya’s wealth only, after recent press reports revealed that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had withdrawn a group of Syrian mercenaries in Libya and sent them to Mali, which confirms the colonial ideology that Turkey seeks to implement in the Black Continent.

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