Muslim Brotherhood militias turn newly opened roads in Taiz into a nightmare… What’s happening?

Militias of the Islah Party, the “Muslim Brotherhood arm in Taiz,” opened fire on families at the Al-Qasr roundabout checkpoint to stop buses and force them to halt on the pretext that they were late beyond 6 PM, after they had allowed families to walk back from the Al-Houban parks.
The checkpoint stopped around 500 cars, most of which had families, for unjustified inspections, causing major congestion and long waiting hours before reaching their destinations.
The sources explained that the Brotherhood militias mistreat travelers and treat them as if they are security suspects, often forcing cars to wait for about 12 hours until the road is reopened from their side the next morning. This has forced travelers to leave their cars and return to Al-Houban to spend the night and continue their journey the next day.
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The Houthi terrorist militias and the Yemeni government represented by the Islah Party announced on June 13 the official opening of the Al-Houban-Al-Qasr roundabout road in the city of Taiz and the commencement of citizen crossings after completing the arrangements according to understandings between both parties.
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The official Houthi-affiliated Saba Agency stated, “The official opening of the Al-Qasr roundabout in Taiz city was announced today as per the agreements and understandings based on the humanitarian initiative.”