
Nagi Mustafa Badawi, the controversial Sudanese figure… Who is he? 

An academic, legal expert, economist, and Sudanese politician, the political secretary of the Future Reform and Development Movement, holds three doctoral degrees. What sparked controversy is that he is a legal expert, doctor, preacher, human development trainer, and political secretary. 

He is a member of the Future Movement for Development and Reform, whose Facebook activities were closed and deleted. Where did he obtain these degrees? 

Nagi Mustafa Badawi was previously convicted in Khartoum North under the presidency of Judge Hamed Saleh Hamed for violating Article 5 of the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001. This was due to his appearance in a video on social media, accompanied by masked individuals carrying weapons, in which he threatened the government if it continued normalization with Israel.

The court had previously stipulated the suspension of the life imprisonment sentence against the convicted Nagi, based on Article 170 of the Sudanese Criminal Procedure Act of 1991. He was released after being obliged to personally pledge good conduct for a period of 5 years, from today until 2026, according to the year of the imprisonment penalty applied by the courts.

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