
Scientists Discover “False Star” Devouring Sun Daily

Astronomers in Australia have discovered a “false star” or what is known as a “quasar,” supported by a black hole equivalent to between 17 and 19 billion times the mass of the Sun, stating that it “swallows” a sun daily.

Astronomers say the false star is brighter than the Sun by 500 trillion times and may be the most “violent” in the universe.

The false star is a hot gaseous region directly surrounding a massive black hole, with temperatures reaching hundreds of thousands of degrees Celsius, emitting light and other rays.

Scientists noted that the discovered star pulls in enormous amounts of gas equivalent to the size of the Sun daily, resembling a hurricane; as it is surrounded by a swirling gas disk, experts say it emits a large amount of energy, making it brighter than the Sun by more than 500 trillion times. The network quoted the lead author of the study, Christian Wolf, from the Australian National University, confirming that this false star is the “most violent” place discovered in the universe.

The “quasar” was first observed in 1980, with initial studies indicating it was a star, but observations in Australia and the Atacama Desert in Chile confirmed it as a false star.

According to the European Southern Observatory (ESA), the false star named “J0529-4351” is located a billion light-years away from Earth.

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