
Special funding to combat Anti-Semitism in Britain… Details 

After recording an increase in hate crimes against Jews, Arabs, and Muslims since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas, especially in some Western countries, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, announced on Wednesday that he will allocate £7 million over three years to fund organizations fighting anti-Semitism in schools and universities.

During his budget presentation to Parliament, he added: “I am deeply concerned about the rise of anti-Semitism in our country.”

Since the attack by Hamas on October 7th in Israel, which was responded to by intensive Israeli shelling of the Gaza Strip, the United Kingdom, like many other countries, has witnessed an increase in anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim acts. Hunt continued: “I announce the allocation of £7 million, €8.05 million, for the next three years to organizations such as the Holocaust Educational Trust to combat anti-Semitism in schools and universities.”

He added: “I also renew the increase of £3 million to the Community Security Fund,” responsible for the security of the Jewish community.

Hunt said: “We must never allow a return to the past” in “anti-Semitism and all forms of racism.” The Community Security Foundation stated that it recorded “at least 1,324 anti-Semitic incidents” between October 7th and November 15th in the United Kingdom.

This is the “highest” toll ever recorded in (40) days, according to this organization that has been recording anti-Semitic acts since 1984, and during the same period in 2022, (217) “anti-Semitic incidents” were recorded.

Among the (1,324) recorded incidents, according to this organization, there were (64) assaults, (92) acts of sabotage or vandalism against Jewish properties, and (1,045) abusive behaviors, including verbal attacks and hate messages.

Meanwhile, the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden is preparing to announce the establishment of a national strategy to “combat Islamophobia,” according to people familiar with the matter who spoke to the Associated Press.

The launch of the “Islamophobia Combat Strategy” has been expected for months, after the White House issued a national strategy to “combat anti-Semitism” last May.

The formalization of the official strategy is expected to take several months, following a process similar to the anti-Semitism combat plan, which involves various government agencies.

Incidents of hatred against Jews and Muslims have risen in the United States and other countries since the Hamas attack on October 7th last year on Israel, which resulted in the deaths of more than 1,400 people and the hostage-taking of hundreds.

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