Middle east

The “Hasm” movement of the Muslim Brotherhood aimed to overthrow the ruling regime in Egypt… How? 

Hossam El-Haddad, a researcher specializing in Islamist movements, reported that the terrorist group of the Muslim Brotherhood issued a series of religious studies in 2014 legitimizing acts of violence against the state or against citizens not sympathetic to the Brotherhood, emphasizing that the rule of Mohamed Morsi was legitimate and that overthrowing the regime represented by Counselor Adly Mansour was a religious duty.

“El-Haddad,” during his appearance on the program “The Other Side,” hosted by Dalia Abdel Rahim on “Al-Qahira Al-Youm” TV, added that the terrorist group of the Muslim Brotherhood had issued many fatwas authorizing Brotherhood members to form specialized committees under the leadership of Mohamed Kamal.

He pointed out that one of the terrorist formations affiliated with the Brotherhood was “Hasm,” founded in 2014, adding that “Hasm” had carried out numerous armed operations against the army, police, citizens, public and vital facilities, aiming to overthrow the ruling regime.

In context, El-Haddad affirmed that the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, after the June 30 revolution, adopted the option of armed violent action against the state, choosing this strategy on the premise that peace was not a constant of Islam.

He added that Mohamed Kamal, a member of the Guidance Bureau, was tasked with managing the strategy of armed confrontation with the state, and in October 2016, the Ministry of Interior announced the death of “Kamal” in a clash with security forces in an apartment in El-Bassatin, where he directed the qualitative operations of the group.

Researchers specializing in Islamist movements confirm that the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood supported all terrorist organizations of Islamist currents and political Islam to carry out terrorist operations in Egypt, aiming to dismantle the Egyptian state, reshape it, and claim they were a peaceful group with a project of renaissance.

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