Middle east

The Houthi continues its crimes and violations in Yemen… What are the ways to confront it?

The terrorist Houthi militias, supported by Iran. continue their violations against civilians in Yemen, rejecting all peace efforts. The Houthi have exploited the country’s resources for military preparations. indicating their intention to resume the war after their celebrations for the Prophet’s birthday.

State revenues

The militias affiliated with Iran, as stated by their internationally unrecognized government led by Abdulaziz bin Habtour. acknowledged draining the state’s revenues. saying, “Our government has no income other than the revenues from the Hodeidah port. It bears the expenses of 49 fronts and needs all forms of spending on weapons. ammunition, and more.”

Popular unrest

While areas under Houthi control are experiencing popular unrest due to unpaid salaries, the Houthi militias boast of improving their military arsenal. which drains huge amounts from the country’s resources. At the same time. they demand the disbursement of salaries from the revenues of liberated areas where state employees .and displaced people from Houthi-controlled areas regularly receive their monthly salaries.

Crimes continue

Yemeni human rights activist Ahmed Jabari stated that a total of 782 cases of killing and injury of civilians have been recorded. and investigated, with 288 killed. including 21 women and 48 children. and 657 wounded. including 151 children and 52 women. Responsibility for these violations is distributed among the parties to the armed conflict. with 217 killed and 502 wounded attributed to the Houthi terrorist militias. while the remaining violations are attributed to other parties.

Jabari added that there are 117 cases of recruiting children under the age of 18, with 116 cases of violations attributed to the Houthi militias. The Houthis were also responsible for 161 cases of individual landmine explosions. resulting in 55 deaths, including 3 women .and 11 children, as well as 124 injuries. including 6 women and 26 children. All of these cases were committed by the Houthis.

He emphasized the need to adopt mechanisms to monitor Houthi violations to enhance peace opportunities. and build upon them to take resolute positions to deter their serious violations of national and international laws and norms. The escalation of the militias has witnessed an unprecedented return of fighting to Yemen. with warnings from observers that the Houthi escalatory steps may threaten any efforts .or international initiatives to make progress in the Yemeni file.

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