Middle east

The Houthi coup in the court of history… Yemeni Voices Calling for a “Revolution” of Peace

They are the catastrophe of all times, with a significant difference in context and details, and they are the ones who stripped Yemen of its peace and thrust it into the abyss of a coup that set it back by years.

This is the Houthi coup, the tragic event and ominous memory celebrated by the militias on September 21st, a day that commemorates the bloodshed and ongoing suffering of Yemenis since 2014. It is a day when voices rise for a “revolution” of peace and stability to dispel the darkness of the past nine years.

“Nakba” through which the militias celebrate the long-standing horrors endured by Yemenis, military displays where banners soaked in the blood of innocents, the wails of the bereaved, and the orphans are raised.

“Revenge against the Republic” Yemeni political analyst Dr. Yahya Al-Jubai says, “The restoration of the state and the republic begins with supporting various fronts that resist the Houthi rebels in the liberated southern provinces as a starting point to eliminate the militias’ dreams of restoring the imamate.”

He added, “The Houthis, under the guise of their false revolution, violated the rights and dignity of Yemenis, committed crimes, destroyed homes, exported terrorism to the liberated southern provinces and neighboring countries, disrupted peace, and threatened international interests while perpetuating class divisions in society.”

He continued, “The Houthi militias claimed to support rights at the beginning of the catastrophe, but they were the first to violate rights and plunder people’s wealth under the pretext of tithes and taxes.”

And he asked, “What achievements or gains can the Houthis speak of other than shedding blood and threatening neighboring countries? Their slogans of statehood and supporting rights were nothing but false slogans they deceived themselves with before others.”

A theatrical act

Political analyst Dr. Yahya Al-Jubai returned to point out that “September 21st is merely a theatrical act to scatter ashes and control the people in northern Yemen by promoting a culture of dominance over others and mobilizing terrorist organizations to achieve the militias’ goals through intimidating and frightening others.”

In conclusion, he emphasized that the Houthis are mere “pawns and tools” in the hands of others, adding that future generations will come to confront the Houthi project vigorously, restore the rights of all from these militias, and recognize the sacrifices of the sons of this nation.

A moment of weakness

On the other hand, Yemeni political analyst Dr. Abdulmalik Al-Yousefi believes that “when we talk about Yemen’s catastrophe on September 21st, we are talking about a historical turning point of Yemeni weakness that occurred internally due to contradictions, small and narrow projects that created a vacuum exploited by the Houthi project.”

Al-Yousefi said “The Houthis were not strong, and they are not strong until now, but they exploited existing contradictions and vacuums, worked on existing enmities among Yemeni forces, especially tribal and political forces, which allowed the Houthi project to sneak in at that moment and create the real catastrophe.”

He considered that “the Houthi catastrophe does not threaten only the present but if it continues as an armed project, it poses a threat to the future and stability,” pointing out that “any country whose citizens aspire to stability, development, and economic prosperity will not be able to achieve anything because the first enemy of any development or economic process, and even the enemy of life, is wars and exacerbated violent projects.”

The houthi’s weapon

Al-Yousefi also touched on the fact that “drawing the future cannot be done except by reading the past based on political data that provide real solutions to build stability in Yemen, which seems to be looming on the horizon through the efforts of our Gulf brothers, led by Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and the rest of the Gulf countries keen on the stability of our country.”

And he pointed out, “There is a political path emerging, but this path must take into account the future treatments that lead to real stability in Yemen.” He believed that “the problem that emerged after September 21st is the emergence of an entity possessing weapons, or more precisely, the strengthening of an entity that possesses weapons and controls the state.”

The political analyst stressed that “weapons must be exclusively controlled by the state as one of the elements of creating stability for any country,” believing that “the real catastrophe that occurred on September 21st is the Houthi’s control of the state’s resources.”

And the expert concluded that “the future treatments must start from this point so that the catastrophe does not continue, and the threat to internal and regional stability does not persist,” calling for the necessity of taking these treatments into consideration during any upcoming political path.

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