Middle east

The Muslim Brotherhood casts doubt on a Prophetic Hadith… Details

The Muslim Brotherhood has cast doubt on a prophetic hadith about the soldiers of Egypt, claiming that these hadiths are weak in terms of their chain of transmission and content.

The Mufti of the Egyptian Republic, Dr. Shawki Allam, stated during a television interview on the channel (Sada El Balad) that the army was aware of the danger facing the country, a very serious danger. This is not surprising for the Egyptian army, which the Prophet – peace and blessings be upon him – praised in an authentic hadith, where he said: “If God grants you the conquest of Egypt, take its soldiers; they are the best soldiers on earth.” Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, asked: “Why, O Messenger of God?” He replied: “Because they and their spouses and children are in constant defense until the Day of Resurrection.”

The Mufti pointed out that there were attempts to cast doubt on the hadiths about the goodness of the Egyptian army after the June 30 revolution, affirming that Dar Al-Ifta responded scientifically and methodically. After the June 30 revolution, and in the face of these spreading falsehoods, Dar Al-Ifta studied these hadiths and refuted all the ambiguities that weakened them, proving the validity of the different chains of transmission of this hadith.

The Mufti confirmed that Dar Al-Ifta proved the authenticity of the hadiths about the goodness of the Egyptian army, stating: “We studied all the narrators using the methodology of the science of men, then we studied the text of the hadith, and we found that this testimony is confirmed by the reality and history of Egypt, as well as by the positions of the Egyptian army throughout history. We found that Egypt has always firmly resisted any aggression, not only against the nation but against the entire region.”

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