
The Phenomenon of Splits within the Muslim Brotherhood Since Its Inception to the Present: Details

The phenomenon of splits within the Muslim Brotherhood has revealed several approaches, including the generational gap approach, the religious market approach, the social movement cohesion approach, and the youth empowerment approach. These approaches allow for understanding the changes that have affected the trajectory of the Muslim Brotherhood and have contributed to destabilizing its cohesion, as well as examining the reasons that have driven individuals and groups to withdraw from the organization, revealing the exclusionary nature of the Muslim Brotherhood and the absence of participatory structures in a culture of blind obedience.

A study by the “Trends Research and Advisory” center titled “Splits within the Muslim Brotherhood” revealed that since its foundation until the end of President Abdel Nasser’s rule in 1970, the Muslim Brotherhood has experienced several significant splits, observable through a historical and institutional approach.

The themes of the splits revolve around several determinants that govern the extent and nature of the splits within large social movements. Among these factors, one can identify the degree of centralization of the organization, the influence of the charismatic leader, and the use of violence within the organization, especially since that period was marked by deep disagreements and conflicts within the group, constituting the beginning of profound disagreements that affected the organization in the following decades.

In this regard, Dr. Tarek Al-Bishbishi, a former leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, says: The splits are not limited to the mother organization of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, but they extend to several of its prominent branches in the Arab region, due to the strong connection between the mother organization and its branches in the region.

He adds that the crises affecting extremist organizations, particularly the Muslim Brotherhood, have led the branches of the organization in some countries such as Jordan, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Mauritania, and Palestine to experience splits and divisions similar to those that affected the mother organization in Egypt.

He points out that the divisions and disagreements between the poles of the Muslim Brotherhood are worsening day by day, without finding any solutions, despite the intervention of influential personalities and leaders in the party. This is considered by some as the beginning of the end for the Muslim Brotherhood organization in Egypt, which will soon experience many splits and divisions, due to Turkey’s decision to hand over several young members of the organization to the Egyptian authorities and the lack of commitment from the opulent leaders in Istanbul and Ankara to protect the young members of the organization who left Egypt after being implicated in terrorist crimes. If this happens, it will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

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