
Tunisian analyst reveals Ennahdha movement’s plan to target the state with rumors and lies

A Tunisian analyst has revealedthe Ennahdha movements plan to target the state with rumors and lies in the wake of the security crackdowns carried out by the security authorities in the past two days against several leaders of the Ennahdha movement. False news has spread particularly on social media platforms. promoted by Tunisian Brotherhood members to tarnish the image of President Kais Saied and government agencies.

Confronting Ennahdha Leadership

The Tunisian security authorities launched a campaign of arrests targeting senior leaders of the Ennahdha Islamist movement, including Abdul Karim Al-Harouni, the chairman of the Shura Council of the Ennahdha movement. Moncef Al-Wanissi, acting head of the Ennahdha movement, and Hamadi Jebali, former prime minister and prominent member of the group. This may indicate a significant escalation by Tunisian authorities against the Muslim Brotherhood group.

Several first-tier leaders of the movement are currently in prison, including their leader Rached Ghannouchi, who has been issued three arrest warrants, and he faces charges, some of which carry the death penalty, according to his lawyers.

The Muslim Brotherhood’s Plan

The plan of the Ennahdha movement was revealed by Dr. Monther Qafarash, President of the International Forum for Combating Extremism and Terrorism, and a Tunisian political analyst. He explained that the Ennahdha Islamist movement is vigorously attempting to spread chaos by inciting protests that have found no echo. This has led them to adopt another approach, finding their refuge in social media platforms. They employ an electronic swarm that does not stop spreading toxins using false information and misleading analysis.

He added that the malicious rumors reached the Carthage Palace, prompting Tunisian President Kais Saied to take action against those who spread them. the Muslim Brotherhood’s electronic swarm has spread rumors that damage the reputation of ministers in the Tunisian government, accusing them of corruption. In addition, false information has been circulated about the treatment of irregular migrants by Tunisian authorities.

He pointed out that the Tunisian state has been trying for a while to counter the malicious rumors and the frenzied campaigns orchestrated by the Brotherhood. This has been done by issuing explanatory statements and presidential decrees regarding some issues that the Ennahdha movement exploits to sow discord and incite against the state.

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