
Turkey launches attacks against Kurdish villages

Turkish warplanes launched airstrikes on Monday against the northern mountainous land of Duhok province in Iraqi Kurdistan. It was believed that targets hit by the raid to be held by members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

However, any human fatalities were reported, but a security source in the Amedi district informed Asharq Al-Awsat that Turkish combatant jets targeted two villages situated at the base of mountain Mtein after midnight on Monday. It also said that another two villages at the base of mountain Karah were also attacked.

The source also explained: Areas targeted by Turkish raids are uninhabited, so the bombing did not cause any casualties, but it caused panic among the residents of the nearby villages as smoke plumes were seen rising in the area.

On his part, a local from Amedi district, Hashem Ahmed, stated that they heard Turkish jets over the region before six explosions next to the villages of Banavi and Korki.

He informed Asharq Al-Awsat: Turkish aircrafts usually target any human presence in these areas, which endangers the lives of herders and farmers there, noting that the raids targeted many pastures and farmlands.

Turkish raids

It should indicate that about two decades, Turkey has been launching cross-border assaults against what it alleges are PKK sites in northern Iraqi Kurdistan. Indeed, civilians that are residing next to borders have been deeply affected by the assaults, while almost 50 having been killed in just the past three years.

Political researcher and analyst Saman Noah, said: Turkish military operations targeting Iraqi sites under the pretext of ending PKK terrorism are futile, clarifying that Turkey needs to discuss to Kurdish leaders instead of progressing in its aggressive against so-called separatists.

Noah also informed Asharq Al-Awsat: Killing civilians, destroying homes and grazing farmlands to the ground have not succeeded in wiping the PKK out.

According to Noah, Ankara’s increased military campaign, comprised founding around 20 military outposts and bases inside neighboring Iraq. Besides, Noah indicated that Turkey did not respond to a recent assault that targeted its base in Bashiqa since it was probably looking to avoid confrontation with Iran-backed forces.

Noah added: Ankara knows that expanding operations in Iraq means a confrontation with pro-Iranian factions that have weapons and capabilities that can prove challenging.

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