Middle east

Yemeni Muslim Brotherhood Militias Obstruct General People’s Congress Party Events… Details

Elements of the Muslim Brotherhood militias raided a meeting of the General People’s Congress (GPC) Party in Jabal Saber, attended by the head of the party’s branch in Taiz.

A source within the GPC told *Al-Omana Net* that armed men from the Muslim Brotherhood militia stormed a party meeting yesterday afternoon at Zayed Park in Jabal Saber, protesting the display of a picture of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

The security detail of the deputy governor managed to arrest one of the assailants, while others fled during the confrontation. The source confirmed that the armed men stormed the hall and brandished their weapons while the head of the GPC branch in Taiz, Sheikh Arif Jamel, deputy governor of Taiz, was delivering his speech, causing panic and fear among the participants.

The source added that the assailants pointed their weapons at the participants during an event organized by the GPC in the Saber Al-Mawadem district on the occasion of the 42nd anniversary of its founding. They immediately stormed the hall and headed to the stage to remove the picture of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh.

A source attending the event noted the intense resentment among the attendees, who condemned the criminal incident, considering it an attack on a significant political entity within the political equation and the legitimacy system, warranting an investigation into the incident.

The source expressed surprise at the silence of the GPC leadership regarding the criminal incident targeting a political party with the intent of terrorizing it and undermining its activities.

According to sources, the detained assailant was released a few hours after being held at the district police station.

The GPC branch in Taiz is holding events to commemorate its founding anniversary in several areas of the city.

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