Yemen’s Muslim Brotherhood pillaging state lands… Details

Several leaders of the Al-Islah Party, “the Muslim Brotherhood‘s arm in Yemen,” have seized a portion of a public park in the city of Taiz.
According to sources cited by Al-Montasaf Net, local authorities affiliated with the Al-Islah Party recently launched a campaign to dismantle illegal stalls inside the park located in the Al-Husab area. After clearing the area, a security commander seized a large part of the space for personal use.
Activists have stated that the main objective of Taiz’s Deputy Governor Abd al-Qawi al-Makhlafi, supported by the Brotherhood-affiliated governor Nabil Shamsan, was not so much to protect the park plan from aggression as it was to share it among Al-Islah party leaders, security forces, and local influencers.
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Sources added that the local authorities, who claimed to have eliminated all violations, did nothing to stop the looting of state lands, construction of bases and infrastructures inside the park, and illegal commercial activities under the protection of Brotherhood factions.
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33 years have passed since the establishment of the destructive legacy of the Muslim Brotherhood’s party in Yemen
Taiz Governor Nabil Shamsan recently made dozens of illegal appointments in recent weeks to appease the Al-Islah Party and tighten his absolute control over facilities and power structures in the province, despite government objections.