
Sameh Shoukry to Turkey… Summer heat is melting the ice between Cairo and Ankara

Diplomatic visits and positive statements have been a key step in the normalization of relations between Egypt and Turkey.

After years of breaking off Egyptian-Turkish relations, the two countries have engaged in diplomatic efforts that herald a “near normalization” between the two countries, which are considered the “tip of the balance” in the region.

From the World Cup handshake between Egyptian President Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi and his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to presidential contacts during the catastrophe of the February 6 earthquake, to the visit of Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, carrying aid provided by his country to Turkey, to the visit of his Turkish counterpart, Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, accelerated steps on the road to normalization.

However, a new step has taken its way to the two countries, with Turkey’s Foreign Minister telling private TV channel I News that Shoukry will visit Turkey soon, possibly this week, adding that details of the visit will be announced on Wednesday.

“We have been well received in Egypt. “Our visit was very positive and now is the time to take concrete steps slowly… During Shoukry’s visit we can take steps to appoint two ambassadors.”

Will the two countries’ relations return?

Turkish political analyst and researcher of international relations Dr. Taha Odeh said that Sameh Shoukry’s visit to Ankara reflects the progressive and accelerated steps in the course of relations between the two countries, especially as it comes just weeks after Davutoglu’s visit to Egypt.

The Turkish political analyst said that the Egyptian president’s visit to Ankara will be a prelude to the return of the two countries’ ambassadors and a prelude to holding a summit at the level of the two countries’ presidencies. He pointed out that Ankara and Cairo are about to open a new chapter in relations, entitled cooperation and looking to the future.

He said there are great political and economic prospects between the two countries. “Relations will witness major developments in the coming period, whether Erdogan wins the next election or not,” he said.

The same thing was noted by Dr. Bashir Abdel Fattah, an expert on Turkey at the Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies in Cairo, who said, “Shoukry’s visit is an important step forward in the context of the two countries’ investment in efforts to normalize relations.”

The expert on Turkey noted that there has been an acceleration in the pace of rapprochement between the two countries and the return of ambassadors, which paves the way for the Turkish president’s visit to Cairo. “The Turks are keen on ensuring that the elections are not held before passing the iceberg with Cairo,” he said.

Erdogan’s calculations

Regarding the possibility of a meeting between the Egyptian president and his Turkish counterpart, Abdul Fattah said, “It depends on President Erdogan’s internal electoral calculations. If he feels that he will have a positive impact on his competitive electoral status, he will pay a quick visit to Cairo after Eid Al-Fitr.

He visited Cairo last month, ten years after diplomatic ties were severed following the ouster of Muslim Brotherhood president Mohamed Morsi in a popular revolution that uprooted the Brotherhood in Egypt in 2013.

He also visited Turkey two weeks ago to express solidarity after the devastating earthquake and subsequent tremors that claimed more than 50,000 lives in Turkey and Syria.

Last month, Shoukry said talks with Turkey on the resumption of the work of the ambassadors of both countries would be held at the right time.

Normalization consultation

“Consultations between senior foreign ministry officials in Ankara and Cairo began in 2021 when Turkey sought to improve relations with Egypt, the UAE, Israel, and Saudi Arabia, but the normalization of relations between Ankara and Cairo accelerated after Egyptian President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan shook hands in Doha during the recent World Cup soccer finals hosted by Qatar.”

Cavusoglu said the two leaders may meet face to face again after Turkey’s May 14 elections.

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