
Analysts: Erdogan’s Gulf Tour Has Strong Economic Impacts

Erdogan visited Gulf countries

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan conducted a tour including three Gulf countries: Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates. Ankara aims to strengthen its relations with the capitals of the region and stimulate trade exchanges between them and the three countries.

Since 2021, Ankara has been making diplomatic efforts to repair its relations with the countries of the region after tensions strained the relationships over the past decade.

Closer Ties with the Gulf

Media reports revealed that this tour included the signing of several agreements with Gulf countries, as Turkey seeks closer ties with Arab countries, especially those in the Gulf and Egypt.

A Vision for the Future

Former Kuwaiti deputy and political science professor, Abdullah Al-Nafisi, expressed that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s visit to Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the UAE indicates a vision for a “sustainable relationship”. Al-Nafisi tweeted: “According to a strategic calculation and at the invitation of the Gulf brothers, President Erdogan visits the region to enhance commonalities and dispel differences.”

The political science professor affirmed that this visit reflects a long-term vision for sustainable relations between Turkey and the Gulf. Both sides have a significant interest in that.

Economic Returns

According to Turkish affairs expert, Mohammed Mustafa, “This tour has multiple economic impacts, especially since it requires improving relations with Gulf countries, given Turkey’s severe economic crisis at the moment. It aims to resolve issues with the Arab and Gulf sides, and emphasize an improvement in the level of relations, which will positively affect the economic level.”

The Turkish affairs expert added that Gulf countries want to see from the Turkish side an end to the “crisis of trust” so they can move towards a phase of cooperation built on foundations that may be reinforced by the visits made by President Erdogan to them.

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