
The curse of the Muslim Brotherhood haunts European parties that supported them

Dr. Ramadan Abu Jazar, Director of the Brussels International Center for Research, stated that the biggest losers in the recent European Parliament elections are the parties that supported the Muslim Brotherhood and promoted their narrative in the Middle East.

In a media intervention reported by the newspaper “Al-Youm Al-Sabea,” Abu Jazar asserted that the curse of the Muslim Brotherhood has pursued these parties, such as the Greens and the Socialists, ultimately leading to their spectacular downfall.

The final results of the European Parliament elections showed that the center-right bloc maintained the lead with a quarter of the seats, with the Socialists coming in second. The Liberals and Green parties suffered significant losses, losing a third of their seats.

Europeans went to the polls over four days to elect new members of the European Parliament in a continent witnessing significant geopolitical events and a rise in nationalism.

The final results revealed that the European People’s Party group secured 26.3% of the seats, followed by the Socialists with 18.8%, the Liberals with 11.5%, the Conservatives with 10%, the far-right with 8.1%, and the Greens coming in second to last with 7.4%.

Early predictions indicated a strong performance for far-right parties across the European Union, reflecting significant voter dissatisfaction and a severe rebuke of mainstream political currents.

Far-right parties saw an increase in the number of seats, securing the first place in Italy and France and the second place in the Netherlands and Germany.

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