Al-Houthi and Hezbollah: “Terror Alliance” messing with Yemen’s security

Lebanon’s Hezbollah is transferring criminal experiences to Houthi militias in Yemen as part of its strategy to spread terrorism and destabilize the latter country.
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“One of the consequences of these criminal acts is to strengthen the fighting capabilities of the coup militias, whether in the field or in the air, through training in the use of drones and the launching of ballistic missiles, which would enable them to commit thousands of crimes against civilians”.
“Journalist Adonis al-Dukhaini sees coordination between Hezbollah and Houthi militias at various levels, with training in combat tactics and the firing of drones at the forefront”.
Al-Dukhaini said that many Hezbollah experts are in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa, which is controlled by Houthi militias. They offer courses on combat tactics, launching drones, and threatening regional security in general.
“According to the journalist, Hezbollah’s programs include combat training, missile launches, drones, and the planting of naval mines after Hezbollah had previously received such training in Iran and transferred them to Houthi militias“.
Terrorism experiments:
The U.S.-designated terrorist group Hezbollah is moving forward with these experiences to ensure that Houthi militias are able to spread terrorism in Yemen; military aspects to go beyond technical and technical.
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“Al-Dukhaini believes that the transfer of experience does not stop at military aspects, but includes sessions for Houthi militia media professionals in crisis management, rumors, media and psychological warfare, and war media”.
Journalist Mohammed Al-Sharhi agreed, saying that Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV channel organizes continuous training sessions for Houthi elements. The cohorts of Houthi trainees go on a monthly basis to learn all that is related to the media, from the montage to editing, journalistic writing, and television photography.
Al-Sharhi said that Hezbollah acts out of its criminal ideology by organizing such programs, which usually result in harm to civilians. He likens the group’s acts of aggression to terrorist movements that try to transfer their tactics and extensive experience in carrying out crimes to other gangs operating in their orbit, as Hezbollah does with Houthi militias.
“According to previously monitored facts, Hezbollah has developed over the past years extensive training projects to train Houthi militia members, not only in combat, but also by subjecting them to urban warfare and street fighting by involving them in combat in Syria and Iraq“.
Al-Sharhi said the training provided the terrorist movement with field experience in the use of all types of weapons, in addition to local mine-laying and production; This has contributed to the increase in violence and harm to civilians, in addition to the terrorist movement’s arrogance, which led it to reject all calls for peace.
Training costs:
“Hundreds undergo months of military training, which entails significant financial losses for food, transportation, and the costs of buying ammunition, weapons, and other supplies“.
“In order to secure these funds, Hezbollah has resorted to several methods, with Iranian support the militias have sought to establish revenue structures linked to drug and contraband trafficking“.
Al-Dukhaini said the costs of training come primarily from Iran, then from drug smuggling. He said it has turned Yemen into a market for drugs, which arrive in the country in turn by smuggling to Houthi militias.
“Over the past three years, smuggling and distribution networks have sprung up in cities controlled by Houthi militias to such an extent that this trade in Yemen has begun to flourish and has taken on overt form in contrast to this clandestine trade”.
The journalist Al-Sharhi said that trafficking in drugs and contraband has apparently begun in Yemeni cities under Houthi control. In fact, the coup militias recruit young people to work in this field without fear.
In addition, there are many other incidents that have led to the killing of some of its members working in this trade on charges of “treason” or their elimination after they ran out of energy.
The journalist Al Sharhi concludes: “Yemeni police forces in liberated cities seized dozens of narcotics shipments that were on their way to cities under the control of Houthi militias, which they then discharge inside those cities, bolstering the credibility of information indicating that Hezbollah is transferring its criminal experiences, even in the drug trade“.