Middle east

El-Sisi calls for respect for Egypt’s sovereignty and reassures its people

Egyptian President Abdul Fattah el-Sisi called on Saturday for everyone to respect Egypt’s sovereignty and its stance, sending a message of reassurance to his people, saying that the Egyptian state is capable of protecting itself. He spoke about his country’s efforts to stop the war between Israel and Hamas.

El-Sisi‘s remarks came during a speech at the second edition of the annual International Industrial Forum and Exhibition in Cairo.

The Egyptian President said in his speech:

“The Egyptian state, thanks to its people and its army, is fully capable of protecting its assets.”

“Do not worry and continue working for construction and reconstruction.”

“I assure you that no one can harm Egypt.”

“People must be reassured in light of the regional situation, and we will continue to play a positive role.”

El-Sisi revealed that the Egyptian state is playing a positive role in the issue of releasing prisoners and detainees in the Gaza Strip.

He said, “There are many details, and not everything is announced.”

El-Sisi expressed his gratitude to all the countries that sent humanitarian aid to be delivered to the Gaza Strip.

He said, “We are making great efforts to meet the needs of 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza under siege, without water, fuel, and essential medical supplies, and the entry of 20 trucks daily is not sufficient; we need a larger amount of aid to enter the Gaza Strip.”

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