
Erdogan’s ambitions.. What is the secret to Turkey’s efforts to bring peace to Ukraine quickly?

Many are waiting for the war to end between Russia and Ukraine, hoping for the beginning of the reconstruction work. The Ukrainian prime minister confirmed that rebuilding destroyed cities, towns and infrastructure in the country will cost 750 billion dollars. Turkey seeks to be the most winner from the reconstruction contracts, especially if it is able to maintain good relations with the Russian and Ukrainian regimes.

Erdogan’s Plans

Arab Weekly Newspaper International confirmed that since Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine, Turkey is trying to portray itself as a mediator in the conflict, and as a result of the talks mediated by Turkey in Istanbul in March, and Russia’s withdrawal of its forces from the Kiev perimeter and the northeastern regions of Chernihiv and Sumi, last July in Istanbul, the representatives of Russia, Ukraine, and Turkey signed a grain deal that allowed Ukraine to stabilize its budget by exporting millions of tons of grain through the Black Sea. The agreement also had a positive impact on the Turkish economy, given that Ankara is now able to buy grain from Ukraine and Russia at low prices. The newspaper noted that according to the memorandum of understanding signed by Turkish Trade Minister Mehmet Mos and Ukrainian Infrastructure Minister Oleksandr Kupakov last August, Turkey will play an important role in the country’s reconstruction. Turkish companies are expected to rebuild the bridge in the village of Romanivka, which links Boutcha and Irpin to Kiev. Furthermore, if Turkish company Baykar is already building a drone factory in Ukraine.

 Secret targets

The Turkish authorities have recently begun issuing long-term residence permits to Crimean Tatars, who are Muslim and speak Turkish. According to Turkish laws, only foreigners who have been living in the country continuously for eight years can obtain a long-term residence permit. However, Meskhetian Turks, Uighurs, ethnic Turks from Bulgaria, Greece, and now Crimean Tatars are an exception. Ankara may aim to integrate Crimean Tatars into Turkish society, but at the same time, Turkey is looking to increase its influence among Crimean Tatars who still live in Crimea. Some political analysts believe that the Crimean Tatar has a presence in Crimea at this stage, and that Turkish businesses in the area were clearly visible in 2014, as Turkish businesses “But since taking over the region, Russia does not appear to have allowed its Turkish partners to continue to have influence in Crimea, and the paper emphasized that, with little sign of the outcome of the war in Ukraine at this point, Turkey will continue what it has been doing, namely supporting Ukraine while maintaining relatively good relations with Russia, in this way, when the time comes, Turkish companies will be in the lead when it comes to rebuilding what Russia has destroyed.”

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