
Increase in Rates of “Healthy Eating Obsession” Disorder

Many people strive to follow a specific healthy eating pattern, such as consuming plant-based foods, but this requires a significant commitment to maintain.

That’s why mental health experts express growing concern about people whose diet controls them, which quickly evolves into a state of obsession.

“Orthorexia” is an eating disorder not listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the official guide for clinical assessment of mental health conditions.

Doctors have noticed an increase in cases of “orthorexia”, according to Jennifer Rollin, founder of the Eating Disorder Center in Rockville, Maryland.

Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani, an eating disorder specialist and founder and medical director of the Gaudiani Clinic in Denver, said that “orthorexia” is about focusing on “clean” eating, as defined by a set of rules based on specific individuals and the context in which they live.

A study conducted in November 2023 found that about 3 out of 10 participants showed signs of “orthorexia”.

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