
Iraq: Mustafa al-Kadhimi accused political parties of obstructing government efforts

Political parties have been accused by Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi of blocking government efforts in restoring state status and fighting corruption.

Kahdimi stated that certain parties are seeking to interrupt the anti-corruption commission that is accused of insult officials detained on corruption accusations.

Kadhimi stated during a televised interview with a number of Arab channels that the fact of restoring the state means that certain parties would be affected, and they would try to resist until the last moment.

The PM affirmed that the government took many procedures to reestablish confidence in the security services, indicating that all sides should work within the framework of the state. About the military show of Rubu Allah faction in Baghdad last Thursday, Kadhimi confirmed that it won’t be repeated.

According to Kadhimi, certain sides want the failure of the government and are seeking to obstruct its work, indicating that the government took brave decisions and presented many reforms such as the white paper on economic and administrative reform. In fact, Kadhimi has adopted the New Mashreq concept that was refused by many parties, especially those affiliated with Iran.

He also clarified that the New Mashreq could be created with Iraq, Jordan, and Egypt at its core, in harmony with the preparations for a tripartite summit that was suspended, adding: When economic interests are the main element in the strategy of cooperation, problems are reduced.

Kadhimi asserted that Iraq does not require foreign forces on its territories, noting that the country needs international support, and the help of the coalition air forces for airstrikes against ISIS sieges.

Kadhimi also affirmed that the relationship between Washington and Baghdad should be changed on a US-Iraqi interest in the fields of economy, security, culture, and health.

Moreover, Kadhimi’s advisor Hussein Allawi informed Asharq Al-Awsat that the government has worked with the US about the strategic dialogue, including redistributing 2500 out of the 5000 advisors who earlier worked with the international coalition against ISIS.

Furthermore, Iraq is seeking to expand its ties with the US to comprise various fields like economy, development, and investment.

Allawi confirmed that the New Mashreq is an important economic, political, and security project with the aim of enhancing many fields and offer public services that would improve Iraq’s foreign policy.

According to the advisor, Iraq would have a competitive advantage, particularly for its oil and gas resources, also enhancing its capacity in joint projects with other countries, specifically Jordan and Egypt.

Kadhimi declared, on Saturday, the delay of the New Mashreq tripartite summit with Egypt and Jordan, after Friday’s deadly train crash in Egypt. The PM also debated in a phone call with Jordan’s King Abdullah II bilateral relations, regional matters, and means to improve cooperation.

On his part, King Abdullah affirmed the necessity to establish the trilateral cooperation mechanism between Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt to serve their peoples’ interests, saying that he looks forward to the next trilateral summit, in what a Royal Court statement rapported.

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