
Political Science Professor: There Is a Rapprochement Regarding the Return of Egyptian-Iranian Relations

A political science professor has confirmed that there is a rapprochement regarding the return of Egyptian-Iranian relations

continuous efforts are being made to restore relations between Egypt and Iran. There are many indications. and reports about the possibilities of normalizing relations between Egypt and Iran. It appears that both sides are seeking to repair. and resume their diplomatic relations. which have suffered from stagnation and tension for theؤ past four decades.

The real push for dialogue

A report by the “Roaya” network revealed that the real push for dialogue between Egypt and Iran came about a year ago. with Omani mediation accompanied by Iraqi efforts to bring the two countries closer together. There have been talks about the possibility of a meeting between President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi. indicating that discussions between Cairo and Tehran have made significant progress.

Diplomatic meeting

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry received his Iranian counterpart. Hossein Amir Abdollahian. at the Egyptian mission to the United Nations in New York on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly meetings.

The two ministers discussed the bilateral relations between the two countries. exploring the determinants and controls that govern them. with the aim of developing them in a way that serves the interests of both peoples. based on principles of mutual respect. good neighborliness, cooperation. and non-interference in the internal affairs of states.

Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid said in a press statement that the meeting also addressed a number of regional issues. with both sides expressing their aspirations to contribute to achieving stability .and enhancing security in their regional surroundings.

Region’s crises

Egypt’s Foreign Minister stated that the complexity .and entanglement of the region’s crises are seriously affecting the stability .and living conditions of all its peoples without exception. He emphasized the need for all regional countries. to cooperate in supporting stability. achieving peace. and eliminating sources of tension.

According to the statement from the Egyptian Foreign Ministry. the Iranian Foreign Minister expressed his country’s desire to develop its relationship with Egypt. and return it to its natural course. in line with the historical .and civilizational heritage of both countries. He noted that this meeting represents an important step on the path of normalizing relations.

The two ministers agreed to continue their communication to follow up on .the dialogue on various issues of mutual interest at the bilateral. regional, and international levels.

Expected rapprochement

Dr. Tarek Fahmy, a professor of political science at the American University. stated that there is a closer rapprochement regarding the return of Egyptian-Iranian .relations than ever before. after overcoming the major obstacles. particularly the hardline faction within. the Iranian authorities that had resisted the return of relations despite the efforts of both sides.

He added that the return of relations will help increase trade exchange. cooperation in the oil industry. the development of economic projects, the return of Iranian tourism. and cooperation on hot issues in the region. contributing to easing the situation. especially amid the backdrop of the return of Saudi-Iranian relations.

Furthermore, he stated that Egypt’s foreign policy is purely a national decision not subject to any external pressures. Egypt considers only what serves its direct interests and its national security.

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