Middle east

The Muslim Brotherhood Pillages Khat Taxes in Taiz… Details

Several military units from the Taiz Axis Brigades, affiliated with the Islah Party (the Muslim Brotherhood‘s arm in Yemen), have seized khat sales taxes at the largest collection centers in the province, “al-Hangar” and “al-Samsara.”


According to an official complaint, the Axis replaced the official collectors with others working by force, including contractor Abdo Ahmed al-Jabri, who was assigned to collect the tax and reported being detained by the military police without legal justification, according to (al-Kholasa Net).

In his complaint to the Director General of the Tax Office of Taiz Province, al-Jabri requested to be relieved of his responsibilities for tax collection and deposit, emphasizing the need to take legal action against this violation.

In a related context, the (al-Montasaf Net) site reported that the replacement of al-Jabri and the signing of a contract with a new contractor exposed the extent of corruption and revenue theft, and the enrichment of local authority officials in Taiz province affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Sources indicated that disagreements over revenue distribution led to the replacement of al-Jabri, who enjoyed significant support preventing his replacement despite protests from khat suppliers.

The sources revealed that the revenues were handed over to another contractor without a tender for 13 million riyals, while the actual khat tax revenue exceeds 23 million riyals daily, with the difference going into the pockets of the corrupt.

According to information published by activists, hundreds of millions of riyals in revenue are distributed among the local authority, the Youth and Sports Fund, the Tax Authority, and influential officials in the province.

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