
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Hypocrisy towards Turkish Authorities – Details

Although Turkish authorities continue to pursue and restrict the activities of Muslim Brotherhood elements, the Egyptian community in Turkey, dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood, seems to be showing compliance towards the Ankara authorities by discussing new Turkish measures and facilitations provided to them.

The head of the Egyptian community in Turkey and Muslim Brotherhood leader, Adel Rashid, stated that the director of the immigration department in Istanbul, Fatih Ayina, invited him to attend a meeting at the immigration department to discuss legal issues related to the Brotherhood members. This mainly focused on regularization of their status. He added that he participated in the meeting along with the deputy head of the community, Osama Abdel Qawi, and most of the heads and representatives of Egyptian associations. He requested the continued implementation of the slogan introduced by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and all Turkish state officials, that they are the “ansar” (supporters), and the Muslim Brotherhood are the migrants.

He mentioned that during the meeting, he discussed the problems facing Egyptians and proposed some solutions for them. He emphasized that the Turkish immigration director promised to study every aspect discussed in the meeting and implement everything within their capability. Additionally, Rashid requested the appointment of a single person to coordinate between both sides and submit requests related to problems in general.

This comes a few days after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met with a delegation from the Union of Muslim Scholars, consisting of more than 20 individuals from various countries. During the meeting, Erdogan announced the establishment of a direct line of communication for the delegation to contact the presidency in case of any violations affecting immigrants, specifically referring to Muslim Brotherhood elements, particularly those from Egypt and Syria.

It should be noted that the reassurances have not yet been put into effect, as Turkish authorities continue their strict surveillance of Brotherhood activities within their territories. This is highlighted by the incident of the detention of a Moroccan Brotherhood leader at Antalya Airport on August 14, as reported by the “Hafriyat” website.

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