
Will Washington remove Iran’s name from the UN draft resolution on its relationship with terrorist groups? 

Fox News reported that the United States has removed Iran’s name and its relations with groups in  the Middle East from a draft resolution of the United Nations Security Council regarding the Middle East at the request of Russia.

Fox News noted that the initial version of the draft resolution called on Tehran “to cease exporting all types of weapons and military materials to armed groups and terrorist organizations, including (Hamas), which threatens peace and security throughout the Middle East region.” In the new version, the calls for halting terrorism funding, including for (Hamas), were expressed more vaguely, “in accordance with international law principles” and United Nations standards.

On the other hand, the US Mission to the United Nations stated, “Regarding the resolution proposed by the United States, the permanent Russian mission to the United Nations insisted on deleting references to Iran [in the document],” adding that, in any case, President Joe Biden would hold Iran responsible for “supporting terrorist groups like (Hamas and Hezbollah) and other destabilizing activities in the region.”

The American channel also mentioned that, in addition to the United States, Russia proposed its draft resolution on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. However, the expected vote, scheduled for October 24th, has not taken place, and the exact date remains unknown.

According to the US Department of State, Syria and Iran are “state sponsors of terrorism” because of the two countries’ persistent support for activities considered terrorism by Washington, as per the “Export Administration Act,” the “Arms Export Control Act,” and “foreign assistance or support.”

President Donald Trump officially classified the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, including the Quds Force, as terrorist organizations under Section 219 of the US Immigration and Nationality Act in April 2019.

The US Department of State stated that Iran is not only a state sponsor of terrorism but that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard actively engages in and funds acts of terrorism. It is an essential tool for the Iranian government to direct and execute its “terrorist campaign” on a global scale.

According to the US Department of State’s 2019 report, Iran planned and executed terrorist attacks globally and spent nearly $700 million annually to support groups classified by the United States as terrorist organizations, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Palestinian territories, through the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and the Iranian intelligence and security apparatus.

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