Middle east

Yemeni Brotherhood Signals Disruption of Peace Talks… What Do They Want?

The Yemeni news site Al-Khabar reported that the Al-Islah party, “the arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen,” is waving off any inclination towards an international agreement and setting up obstacles because it coincides with a reduction in its influence in the legitimate authority and its military spread.

During a political symposium organized by its leaders and branches in Marib, the party expressed concerns about what it described as an international understanding recognizing the Houthi movement.

The party claims it will stand against any agreements with the Houthi militias and threatens military escalation, even though it was among the first Yemeni entities to negotiate with the rebels and has cooperated with them in many matters up to supporting pro-Iranian militias in the war against legitimacy, despite the Brotherhood being part of it.

The conference comes at a time when the Yemeni dossier is witnessing a new momentum as part of preparations for a comprehensive peace, which Ansar Allah leader Abdul-Malik al-Houthi has defined as a last chance.

The conference also coincides with Saudi Arabia’s decision to further reduce the party’s political and military influence, with several of its ministers being toppled, while the military border dossier has been removed from its control with the deployment of new factions from the “National Shield”.

It is not yet clear whether the party’s movement for the peace card in Yemen is merely a maneuver to achieve gains or whether it reflects fears of future exclusion, given its role as one of the faces of war and destruction in the country over the past decades.

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