Middle east

Indifference to Cases of Kidnapping and Murder of Girls Sparks Outrage at the Brotherhood in Taiz

In areas controlled by the Al-Islah Party, the “arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in Yemen,” in Taiz Governorate in southwestern Yemen, a crime of kidnapping and murdering a girl has caused significant outrage. This incident is part of a series of murders of girls in the liberated areas of the governorate recently.

Local sources told “Al-Montassaf Net” that the Jabal Habashi District in Taiz witnessed a heinous crime over the past two days involving a 15-year-old girl. The girl was kidnapped two days before the Eid al-Adha holiday from the village of Anaqab in the Al-Barihah area of Jabal Habashi District, and her body was later found dumped in a nearby water stream.

According to the sources, the security forces affiliated with the Al-Islah Party in the district handled the kidnapping case with indifference, treating it as an ordinary incident and failing to take any action to follow up or locate the kidnappers. This has sparked anger and resentment among the district’s residents.

The sources confirmed that the security forces were slow to take action against those involved in the kidnapping and killing, suggesting they were complicit with the criminals.

The sources held the head of the security administration in Jabal Habashi fully responsible for what happened to the girl, noting that he has deliberately been lenient in handling all previous criminal cases.

Areas controlled by the Al-Islah Party have witnessed similar cases of girls being murdered and their bodies being dumped. Last year, four similar murders were recorded, with investigations conducted in a routine manner by the Brotherhood‘s security forces without revealing the perpetrators, confirming the group’s complicity with the gangs that commit murder, looting, and terrorism against civilians in Taiz since its liberation from the Houthi militia.

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