
Relations between Turkey and the United Arab Emirates continue

Turkey and the UAE: Strategic Relations and Ongoing Meetings to Support Regional Stability

Relations between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Republic of Turkey continue to develop. Both countries emphasize the importance of these relations in advancing comprehensive development in each nation, enhancing prosperity in the region, and achieving peace and stability for their people. The UAE places great importance on strengthening partnerships and expanding relations with various sisterly and friendly countries, and consolidating cooperation in all fields, given Turkey’s regional and global significance and influence.

Agreements and Relations

The UAE and Turkey have signed dozens of strategic agreements and memoranda of understanding to bolster bilateral cooperation in economic, security, environmental, and technological fields. The United Arab Emirates and the Republic of Turkey have further strengthened their comprehensive friendship and partnership through four summits and meetings that have taken place over the past two years, bringing together Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the President of the UAE, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Strategic Relations

Dr. Jassim Khalafan, a UAE political analyst, states that the UAE’s relations with Turkey are of great importance within the UAE’s strategy to enhance partnerships and expand relations with various sisterly and friendly countries, consolidating cooperation in all areas.

He added that the economic aspect is one of the main pillars of the growing cooperation between the two countries. The strong economic relations between the UAE and Turkey date back to the establishment of the union and have continued to evolve and grow over the years.

He further emphasized that during the meeting between the two leaders, they discussed several regional and international issues and developments that concern both countries, exchanging views on them. Both leaders stressed that dialogue and diplomatic solutions are the way to deal with the various challenges and crises facing the region.

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