
The ship of the Brothers of Turkey… No anchorage or captain

The Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization has cracked and its factions have been exposed, not only in the Arab region, but also in the West and wherever its path goes.

The faces of the Muslim Brotherhood did not meet their prey after being exposed in more than one place, and they swooped in on themselves.

Conflicts and divisions have ravaged the terrorist group and turned it into cancer, which knows food only on its cells and vital organs.

“A set of decisions, made by the Brotherhood’s London office, reflected this, targeting one of its main branches in Ankara.”

With the election postponed for six months, Ibrahim Munir, acting leader of the Brotherhood’s international organization, has decided to dissolve the Brotherhood’s administrative office in Turkey and the group’s Shura Council.

Experts on terrorist groups viewed the decisions as an extension of the internal conflicts and disputes that separated the organization more than 8 years ago. They expected to witness more storms, which could harm the organization’s leadership, represented by Ibrahim Munir.

The Egyptian-Turkish rapprochement, according to observers, contributed to the rapid pace of the collapse of the Turkish Muslim Brotherhood. Their bad relationship with the London office played a major role in these developments, especially as they objected in terms of Ibrahim Munir’s arrival at the top of the organizational scene as acting leader of the Supreme Leader.

The terrorist organization is promoting its recent decisions as a tactical change for the group, one of which is the selection of young members. The truth, according to observers, is the screening of those who disagree with their views and are in conflict with them over power.

How will the Turkish Muslim Brotherhood respond, and what options are available to them, a question of concern to observers, confirming that the days of the terrorist organization will not be like the previous ones, and that the current rift is a natural result of its contempt and defamation before the whole world.

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