Middle east

Houthi Escalates Tension: Launches Drones and Ballistic Missiles, US Responds

A new US strike has dashed the hopes of the Houthis in the Gulf of Aden and over the Red Sea.

In a statement released on Saturday morning, the US Central Command said that the Houthi militias had launched a drone at 1:30 AM Sanaa time from areas they control in Yemen towards the Red Sea, noting that it crashed in the Red Sea without any reported injuries or damage to US, coalition, or commercial ships.

In a second incident, the US Central Command said its forces “successfully destroyed a drone over the Gulf of Aden as well as three drones over the Red Sea launched from areas controlled by the Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen.”

It stated that at 9:30 PM on Friday, the Iran-backed Houthis had launched two anti-ship ballistic missiles from areas they control in Yemen towards the Gulf of Aden, confirming that no injuries or damage were reported to US, coalition, or commercial ships.

According to the statement, it was decided that these drones and anti-ship ballistic missiles represent an imminent threat to the US, coalition forces, and commercial ships in the region, confirming that this action was taken to protect freedom of navigation and make international waters safer for US, coalition, and commercial ships.

US and British Strikes

These developments come after new US and British strikes on military targets of the Houthi militias in Sanaa, Hodeidah, and Taiz.

Yemeni sources said that at least six raids targeted the occupied capital Sanaa, while about two raids targeted the city of Hodeidah, and at least one strike targeted the southern heights of Taiz province.

The sources confirmed that the strikes in Sanaa targeted the Al-Dailami airbase near Sanaa airport, the Jabal Al-Nahdeen camp overlooking the presidential palace, and the missile brigades camp in Faj Attan, as well as other violent strikes on a camp in the town of Amad in the Sanhan district south of Sanaa.

The Houthi militias had previously announced that they had targeted 129 ships since last October in their maritime attacks, confirming a continued escalation in both quantity and quality.

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